Secondary Years 7–12
The act of singing and making music holds a special place in our community.
We believe that cultivating imagination and creativity in young minds is at the forefront of what we do each day. As students discover music from diverse contexts, and regularly perform and compose music, they are developing fundamental skills in literacy, numeracy, self-discipline, and teamwork. Shire Christian is committed to developing these life-long skills, which benefit both the individual and the society in which they live.
At Shire Christian, we are committed to helping students appreciate a Christian perspective on what they study. This includes the study of music. Our Heavenly Father reveals himself first as Creator. Throughout the rhythms of his creation he affirms that what he has created is “good”. People are made in God’s image, and like Him we have a constant impulse to share, to make, and to create. Psalm 95:1-3 says: Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise! For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods.
All of our students, including Shire Prep, are taught by a qualified specialist music teacher. In Year 7, students learn to play the piano and in Year 8 they learn to play the guitar. In these years, there is a focused use of recording and notation software. From Year 9, Music becomes an elective subject.
Students who sing or play an instrument can participate in our ensemble and band program and experience the joy of disciplined music making together in rehearsals each week and through performance opportunities during the year. The ensembles that are available include:
- Stage Band
- Secondary School Concert Band
- Junior School Concert Band (called Vivace)
- Secondary School Choir (called Vocal Ensemble)
- Junior School Choir
- String Ensemble
- Percussion Ensemble
- Ukulele Group
- Gospel Band
Students are able to receive individual tuition in a particular musical instrument from an external, qualified music tutor. We call this the Music Tuition Program, which is an additional cost for parents. The times of these lessons are flexible, and can occur before or after school or at lunchtime. Students may come out of a class to have a music lesson. The lesson timetable rotates each week so that students aren’t missing the same classes. This means that parents are saved from the additional burden of driving to and from lessons throughout the week, and it also means that instrumental tutors and classroom teachers can work together to provide rich learning experiences for students.
Regularly throughout the year there are an abundance of performance opportunities. These include For One Night Only (Secondary School end of year concert), Primary and Infants Performance Evening (PIPE), peripatetic recital evenings, the HSC recital evening, Musicals, Expression (Creative Arts open night), and performances at assemblies.