Junior Kindy–Year 6
Welcome to Junior School. We strive to provide a safe, nurturing and engaging environment for children to learn, grow and flourish.
Research has conclusively proven how vitally important the early years of schooling are to a child’s emotional, academic and social development: how and what is taught in the early years has a lasting, formative influence on a person’s life.
We aim to provide a firm foundation for life by delivering an engaging curriculum taught from a Christian perspective. We aspire to build, shape and transform children’s lives by delivering an excellent education that focuses on Christian values, while learning from the Bible about God’s created world.
Our experienced and dedicated staff are known for the care and nurture they show their students and they will strive to give your child the best possible start to their life of learning. Teachers cater for student’s individual needs in the classroom. We have two classes per grade, well-resourced classrooms, large playground areas, interactive technology and a multipurpose learning facility, known as the Information Resource Centre or IRC, all of which help to enrich children’s learning experiences at our school.
We value effective communication with parents as we partner together in the education of your children. We aim to provide relevant and prompt feedback and encourage parent’s involvement in the school community.
The Junior School’s learning support staff provide essential educational support to our teachers and students, working collaboratively to deliver quality literacy and numeracy programs that cater for support and enrichment needs.
Students are able to expand their horizons by participating in sport, music ensembles, enrichment groups and other co-curricula activities, giving them opportunities to perform at events such as the music performance evenings and school musicals.
We invite you to click through the relevant links to discover more about our Junior School.
To see more of our Junior School facilities, book a tour and take a closer look at Shire Christian School.