Junior Kindy–Year 6
Catering to learning needs
Students are provided with opportunities to complete challenging and enriching learning tasks.
Catering for the individual needs of students is commonly referred to as differentiation. This can occur in a regular classroom, through specific ability groups for literacy and numeracy and through extra curricula programs and opportunities.
Most Junior School students are divided into three classes for literacy and numeracy, where they receive specialised teaching appropriate to their learning needs. Literacy support groups seek to both consolidate and improve their literacy skills. These specialised groups also seek to build each child’s confidence to read and write clearly and accurately.
Extension numeracy classes aim to extend mathematical knowledge and provide challenging problem solving tasks. Students proficient in mathematics are encouraged to take part in a variety of competitions, including the NSW Maths Competition and the Maths Olympiad.
Other extra curricular opportunities include:
- Speech competitions
- NSW University Competitions in English and Science
- NATA Student Award Science Competition
- Dorothea Mackellar Poetry
- Write On
- Engquest engineering projects
- Art Competitions