Junior Kindy–Year 6
Stage 3 Curriculum
In their final 2 years in Junior School, students continue to develop their literacy skills through a phonics-based program and also continue to learn how to think mathematically.
Students further develop their skills in using technology to aid their learning through a laptop program.
Critical thinking and curiosity are key educational objectives at Shire Christian and form part of our 7C’s. Students in Years 5 and 6 are taught how to analyse information, think independently and form reasoned, evidence based opinions on a range of topics. The school recognises that God has created our students with unique personalities and different interests. This is why we endeavour to give students opportunities to ask questions and explore areas of learning of interest to them.
In our peer-support program, each Year 6 student has the opportunity to be a “Buddy” to a Kindergarten student. Kindergarten and Year 6 students look forward to the special time they have every week to interact with and learn from the other grade.
Year 6 students attend a three-day camp in Term 4. This is a highlight of the year as students consolidate friendships, build resilience through challenging activities and prepares them for our Secondary Camp Program. At the end of Year 6, students celebrate their achievements in the Junior School at a special social evening attended by children and their parents.
All students in Stage 3 are encouraged to join the many extra-curricular activities offered at our school, including Junior School choir, training band, membership of different sporting teams and lunchtime interest groups.
A Primary and Infants Performance Evening (PIPE) enables children to display their performance talent and skills, while regular school theatre and musical productions offer students a further opportunity to perform.
Junior School Leadership
Towards the end of Year 5, students are given the opportunity to apply for the position of Junior School House Leader, a student leadership role, which is fulfilled in Year 6. These positions enable students to development key leadership competencies while taking an active role in our school community.