Policies and Procedures
Shire Christian School has a range of policies and procedures to help ensure that the school runs well.
While a selection are provided below, parents are encouraged to have a conversation with a staff member if a concern arises, to help ensure that their specific inquiries are effectively addressed. If you would like to discuss a particular topic, please contact school reception and they will direct you to someone who can help you.
Annual Report (5.78 mb)
Anti Bullying Policy (241.13 kb)
Anti Bullying Procedures (159.36 kb)
Child Protection Policy (396.31 kb)
Disciplinary Procedures Secondary (240.11 kb)
Discipline Procedures Junior (214.42 kb)
Discipline Policy (216.92 kb)
Enrolment Policy (208.24 kb)
Grievances Policy (229.7 kb)
Privacy Policy (1.0 mb)
Student Code of Conduct (177.0 kb)
Whistleblower Policy (175.46 kb)