About Us
Christian Education
What does a Christian education involve?
Quality learning and teaching
Our school is committed to providing students with engaging, high quality learning experiences that will equip them to take the opportunities and meet the challenges God presents to them throughout their lives. The school is passionate about students performing to the best of their ability from Prep to Year 12. The school wants all students to maximise their HSC results so they will have a range of post school options to choose from.
Caring for the individual
Every child is fearfully and wonderfully made by God. Therefore, every Shire Christian School employee is committed to contributing to a community of care where children feel emotionally safe and part of an environment where they can thrive.
Students learning to live Christianly
Children need to be able to see in practical terms how they can care for others and live lives that give glory to God. To achieve this, our school fosters an environment of meaningful teacher/student relationships where students can be encouraged, guided and corrected. These relationships are built through structured programs and informal interactions.
Teachers modeling a Godly Christian life
1 Timothy 4:12 says: “…set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”
Our teachers have committed their lives to Christ. They believe that the Bible is the word of God and they seek to live their lives according to what the scriptures teach. This influences what they say, how they say it and how they treat their students.
Bible knowledge
Students have the opportunity to learn more about the bible through regular devotions and a Christian Studies program. The school wants our students to develop their understanding of the bible so that they will be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Tim 3:17).
Christian education throughout the curriculum
We are committed to helping students to understand a Christian perspective or world-view on a range of topics students study.
Reformed theology
Reformed theology is fundamental to our school’s mission. While the word reformed may be an unfamiliar term for some people, the creeds of many Australian protestant churches are broadly consistent with reformed theology. Other sections of the website provide further information about the school’s mission, purpose, vision.
To find out more, book a tour and visit our school.
We are a member of Christian Education National (CEN), a community of schools unified around the common goal of authentic, Bible-based, Christ-centred education. Read more about our Christian Education and CEN here.