About Us
The Association
Shire Christian School is operated by The Sutherland Shire Christian School Association Limited, a public company limited by guarantee. The company is often referred to simply as “the Association”.
The Association membership is made up of Reformed Christian parents and like-minded members of our school community who are members of a local Protestant and Reformed church which openly holds to beliefs consistent with the School’s Statement of Faith. These members have joined together to ensure that the founding goals of the school to provide a Christian Education are met and that Biblical principles are maintained throughout all areas of the school.
The Association is the prime decision-making body of the school. It elects a Board of Directors and delegates authority to them to make decisions on behalf of the members.
The Association members may:
- Make recommendations to the Board
- Direct the Board to undertake specific actions
- Seek explanations about the school’s direction and strategy
- Approve decisions put to the members
As an incorporated entity, the Association is bound by relevant Commonwealth and State laws and by the internal rules it imposes upon itself through the company’s Constitution and Statement of Faith. These frameworks provide the basis for the operation of the Association and its members.
Members of the Association have a responsibility to put the school’s interests first, giving due consideration to the well-being of the school community and to act in a Christ-like manner towards one another.
The Association meets twice each year. The Annual General Meeting is held in May and at this meeting the audited financial report for the previous year is presented to members. A General Meeting is held in November and at this meeting the budget for the coming year is presented.
Interested people are welcome to attend Association meetings but only members are permitted to participate and vote at these meetings.
To understand more about the Association and how the model of governance works at the school, please watch this brief video.
Reformed Christians interested in joining the Association can request an information pack by sending an email to boardsecretary@shirechristian.nsw.edu.au.
The Board
The Association chooses a Board of Directors from its members, whose responsibility it is to govern the organisation and set the school’s strategic direction.
The Board delegates to the principal and school leadership team the day-to-day management of the school, along with the implementation of school strategy and policy.
The Board meets throughout the school year and works closely with the Principal and Executive.
Our board members are all volunteers and give their time out of a commitment to Christian education and a desire to see Shire Christian School continue to prosper under God’s guidance and providence.