Learning for Life
From the Principal: Introducing our new learning framework
To build upon our commitment to learning at Shire Christian School, I am pleased to announce that we are introducing a new learning framework called Learning for Life. A learning framework develops a common language for learning so that students moving through the years in Junior School, or moving from class-to-class in Secondary, experience a unified use of language and concepts from each teacher. It also brings a focus on meta-learning, or learning how to learn, so that a student’s classroom experience is not just about content and skills, but the concepts of learning itself, effectively equipping students beyond the classroom for, as our mission statement affirms, “a life of learning, service, and purpose, to the glory of God.”
A learning framework helps students see that learning is like a set of muscles that can be improved through training and practice. Struggling with learning is not a trigger for disheartenment, but a part of the training of our amazing brains. Mistakes are no longer something embarrassing to be hidden or avoided, but valuable lessons in the quest for improvement.
I am very excited for the school and our students as we step forward, in faith under God, to ensure that Shire Christian School remains a vibrant and effective learning community well into the 21st century.
It is with great anticipation that I present to you Learning for Life.
Mr David Stonestreet